Friday, December 7, 2012


When I had server-related business - I thought that I should grow my infrastructure along with my needs. I never thought of sales plans or graphs in the way around which I should build a philosophy. But that is what I needed. I thought that I will expand my business if I will look forward to get into hosting business while I were already running Internet providing business - why the hell I thought that I can succeed simultaneously in two actively growing segments?

Now I'm having the same thinking patterns and mistakes - for example while I'm thinking about finding new ways of conquering ISP market, I'm associating it also with the opportunity of having dual service - both hosting services & Internet services again (& managing my backup servers too so that I could entertain myself with gathering data for my cracker projects) There's nothing worse than uncertainty and underestimating your own power or time combined with failure in growing the scheme which will expand not only technically but financially too.

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