Friday, December 7, 2012


Sometimes I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing, when I'm thinking about the hanging out with the girls right in the middle of doing my professional, business decisions. Another entertainment: watching movies, YouTube or doing other things for fun many people would consider normal thing to do.

Many people would say: "Man you've got to relax, or you gonna lose your health/brain/heart or whatever else you can lose by being workaholic".

For me such remark was always bad since I always believed that there's nothing wrong with being workaholic and its even fun and its can't affect my personal life since my business is my life and there's nothing else which I need. Biological needs? No, too primitive.

I always compare ENTERTAINMENT & BIOLOGICAL SEXUAL NEEDS. Because that's the only needs that I got along with basic needs in food, shelter, health, etc.

Now the biggest problem with entertainment & sexual needs is that once you get deeper entertainment and biology, it is easier to lose headline, main thought, or clean thinking about the business. When you start thinking about entertainment, you're totally in the world of entertainment and your brain developing thoughts about improving your world of entertainment, not the business world. When you're in the world of business - its the glorious thought-place to be - since it is the world of solving problems and mind also tries to make fun out of it whether its useful or not. Many people wouldn't agree, but I still think that you can keep relationship and business at the same time in your life only in case if you got HUGE FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE and convenient relationship and convenient business. But its hard to meet such condition without some grand capital or parents heritage. One thing is for sure: to succeed in business, dedicating 50% of your whole time & efforts for your business isn't enough - ratio has to be at least 70-90%.

Dedicating enough time for business is always important. But time is the only one side of the coin. The other side of the coin is the fact that once you let your mind to be obsessed by sexual desires, or by entertainment desires, your head could give the wrong commands to the present reality perception, and could provide wrong priorities to your day, and that could lead to the most dangerous thing in the business:

How often you asked yourself: "How happened that I've succeeded in this month in BUSINESS even more than I did in the last 5 YEARS?!"
Answer is inevitable: you've succeeded since your circumstances and your PERSI STENCE brought you to the place where you BUSINESS WORKED. But you already knew that your business WILL WORK, and you knew HOW IT WILL WORK, also you knew that it CAN WORK - so you've had all the information about your future business - you already KNEW the future of your business, but for some reason you were frightened to bring it to life. Let me ask you why you didn't brought it to life when you knew the way to make your business working (some OF the people are even already went through such or similar path)

Do you have such reasonable amount of money in your head which business could bring you, but WITH which YOUR business STILL HAVEN'T PROVIDED YOU? Are you still believing that your business at some point will meet THAT GOAL which you have in YOUR mind? THE INTERNAL ENEMY here is PROCRASTINATION which causing THINGS not to be DONE in your business. And probably the reason for your PROCRASTINATION is the WRONG THOUGHTS - wishing more than DOING.

P. S. Why those thoughts exist then?
Biologically these thoughts aren't CONNECTED in ONE PHILOSOPHY with the business, so it is aren't laying at the same THOUGHT-SPACE. Many people WRONGLY try to connect sexual desires with the BUSINESS telling such things as "Oh, this person has no money, and that's why he doesn't have a family" or "Oh, this person is loser as in his family life, and he's financially struggling too" is totally absurd since those two things aren't connected at all: BUSINESS and other INTERESTS & DESIRES lives independently. But once you get into serious problems whether with desires or with your business, the whole ability to think rationally collapses.

What's the most serious mistake with DESIRES.
The most serious mistake is letting them take over your BRAIN to the extent where DESIRES rules your LIFE PRIORITIES. LIFE PRIORITIES should be built with the BUSINESS PLANNING. BUSINESS is the GROUND for everything else. Or here I can say also that THE MONEY or THE RESOURCES is the ground here and the other ways of spending your time should get in your rational way of building the right flow of money which probably so necessary for feeding all your DESIRES...

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